Monday, September 21, 2015

Superman I: Last Son Of Krypton

Scene 1 - Clark Kent is a senior quarterback playing for Smallville High School in the state playoffs semifinals. His best friend Pete Ross is his star wide receiver. Lana Lang is his cheerleading girlfriend. After Clark and Pete help Smallville win the game on a last second play, The entire town erupts in celebration.

Scene 2 - Lex Luthor is a young ambitious teacher at Smallville High School. He is studying a piece of alien metal, unknown to his it comes from the ship which carried Cal-El to earth. It was brought to him by his student assistant Eve Teaschmaucher. While they study the piece of metal, a Kelex droid spies on them. When Eve leaves the room to retrieve something for Lex, the Kelex droid attacks her and replaces. It transforms into a perfect copy of her and links to her conscious through a implanted device that connects to her brain.

Scene 3 - Clark and Lana plan there night before Clark heads to the locker room. Lana turns to leave the school when a local school bully, Brad Wilson and his buddies attack her. Clark hears Lana scream from in the locker room. He disappears during the coach's game ball speech. Clark finds Lana's truck gone, and sees it leaving the high school with all four bullies and Lana in it. He chases it down, saving Lana from them and leaving all four boys badly hurt by accident.

Scene 4 - Clark and Lana go to a party being thrown by Pete in his father's corn field. While there, a Ferris Air experimental jet carrying Carrol Ferris, General Sam Lane and Lois Lane has electrical issues are starts to crash, heading straight toward the party. Clark flies into he air and saves the jet from crashing, just before it crashes into the party and lands it onto the nearby highway road. He damages the road with his legs and is seen by the pilots, Gen. Lane and Lois Lane. Lois begins to questions others on the flight for any information.

Scene 5 - Clark returns home where his father tells him about two news stories, the boys being beaten up and the near airplane crash. Clark and Jonathan argue until Martha steps in and tells Jonathan its time to tell Clark the truth. Jonathan leads Clark to the barn and shows him the ship he arrived in. Tells him he had to build the barn and house around the ship to keep is safe because his mother wouldn't give him up after just learning she couldn't carry and babies. He found an access key shaped like a pencil in the form of the Kryptonian symbol of hope. Tells him the first time Clark touched the key as a baby, Jor-El appeared to them. He explained Clark was meant for Thomas and Martha Wayne in Gotham City but the ship must have been knocked off course. Jor-El asks Jonathan and Martha to raise him, warning them about what he would become and what to expect. He could save the world or rule it, depending on how he is raised.

Scene 6 - The Kelex droid which looks like Eve attacks Lana at her house, transforming into her while four others slaughters her parents and her brother. She is carried off into the air after the com link device is implanted into her head. The Kelex, now dressed as Lana attacks Clark and Jonathan. When Clark starts to get the upper hand, four others arrive and start to attack Clark as well. They use Kryptonite exhaust from there core to weaken Clark though he manages to destroy two of the five. They break Martha's arm when she tries to shoot them with a gun by throwing her into a tree and nearly cause the barn to collapses on top of Jonathan, but Clark saves him last second before passing out from the kryptonite exhaust flumes. The Kelex droids steal the ship Clark was brought to earth in.

Scene 7 - Clark wakes up the next morning with his parents concerned considering he's never been sick before. The Kelex droids take the ship to Metropolis and hide it inside an old Wayne Enterprises abandoned warehouse. Inside they have set up a large technology lab. The Kelex disguised at Lana transforms its finger into a usb plug and inserts it into a computer. It hacks the national database with ease and searches for highest intellect. Six names are shown on the results: Lex Luthor, Thomas Morrow, Ray Palmer, Felcity Smoak, Bruce Wayne and Harrison Wells, Bruce Wayne is listed as dead, Felcity is discarded because of age, and Harrison Wells because he is handicapped. The droid selects Lex Luthor, leaving for Smallville again. It transforms back into Eve and arrives at Luthor home. It convinces Luthor, with threat of death, to help them in exchange for Kryptonian Technology to start Lex Corp and exchange in Eve's life. Lex agrees but the droid detects Kryptonite. It locates it and questions Luthor where he found it. He explains it was  found in his father's field seventeen years ago. The droid states it must have came from Cal-El's ship. He explains to Luthor a Kryptonian has been living amongest humans for seventeen years and his name is Clark Kent.

Scene 8 - Luthor goes to the Lab in Metropolis and learns they want him to build a doorway to the Phantom Zone to release their king and queen. Luthor spends the first night learning all he can about Krypton and its technology, downloading copies of it to multiple usb drives. He starts to build the Phantom Zone machine. Meanwhile, Eve and Lana are annouced as missing while Lana's parents are buried. Smallville also loses the state championship game. Luthor completes the machine after a week of endless work but tells the Kelex droids he needs Clark to activate the ship. It is DNA implanted. Luthor upgrades there weapons with kryptonite base gas attacks.

Scene 9 - The Kelex droids attack Clark when he is working in the corn field by himself. He manages to destory one of them with him heat vision but a new laser blaster from one powered by Kryptonite weakens him until they are able to capture him. They bring him back to the warehouse where he meets Luthor. Luthor explains what is going on, but secretly asks Clark to trust him. They force Clark to power up the ship and open the Phantom Zone. Zod and Ursa escape but are very weak. Clark still weak from the fight with the Kelex droids from earlier, fights off Ursa and Zod. Clark escapes, returning to Smallville. Zod questions luthors loyal and luthor promises he is on zod's side. Zod tells him to kneel before him which he does with shame and anger burning him alive.

Scene 10 - Zod and Ursa question Luther about Clark and his abilities. He explains the yellow sun gives him power. Zod states that is why jor-el was so picky about kryptonians evacuating to a yellow star planet. Zod questions if they will have the same abilities and Luther answers in time but reminds them cal-el has been there 17 years. Zod says he will make Cal-el wanted fugitive then.

Scene 11 - Lois Lane starts to study more and more into the plane crash. She starts tracing things that have happened in smallville before, four teenagers wrecking a car and it some how washing ashore, a family being saved from a tornado and a traitor being lifted off a farmer. Finally Clark finds her in smallville, wanting to talk. She questions who he is and where he is from. He explains he doesn't know for sure and begs her not to reveal himself to the world at least until he finds Lana.

Scene 12 - Zod and Ursa begin to test and learn there new abilities one at a time while training with the examining kelex droids. luthor manages to hack the building security. He sneaks around and finds holding pods of all the people the kelex droids had transformed into. He finds Lana and Eve but busts one of the other pods to ensure there safety. He kills the man inside of it, causing a kelex droid to malfunction and mutate back to its android body. They rush to find luthor, Zod explains he is no longer needed and starts to kill him but luthor activates a self destruct inside the kelex droids that releases kryptonite, weakening Zod and Ursa until he can escape.

Scene 13 - Zod and Ursa work to repair the second ship that brough the kelex droids to earth. Once repaired they fly off to the White House, landing in the front lawn. Zod and Ursa step off, announcing themselves to the world. They demand to meet with the president but instead get the sec. Of state due to security concerns. Zod explains they have been seen from there home world to captured a war criminal wanted for the destruction of there home planet. They explain what he looks like and such before the U.S. Government starts a man hunt lead by General lane.

Scene 14 - general lane goes to Lois since he knows she has been tracking this alien. Luthor finds Clark, explains he destroyed the droids and never gave up his human identity to Zod. Clark questions why he should trust luthor who tells him he knows where Lana and Eve are, but he needs help to save them. Luthor suggests keeping a very low profile. Lois shows as they are ready to leave and wants to go with them.

Scene 15 - they arrive back in metropolis and luthor tells Lois and Clark he has to hack the computer system and shut down the links. When he does Lois and Clark have to release them all individually. Luthor hacks the system and Lois and Clark start release the pods, starting with eve and Lana. Lana and Clark kiss when she falls in her arms, she makes the remark she knew he'd come for her. On the desk beside of luthor as he hacks reference the first batman sighting. Zod and Ursa arrive, catching luthor and threaten to kill him. Clark arrives in time to save him and starts to fight Ursa and Zod. Luthor, Lois, Eve and Lana manage to escapes as others run from the building. Zod and Ursa over power Clark and place him in the phantom zone.

Scene 16 - Zod returns to the White House and announces to the world he has captured the war criminal but for the sake of his people, earth must become a new krypton. He starts to blast reporters as the president is rushed to safety. Ursa kills secret service who attack. Zod tells the world they will knell before him before he turns and flys into the air after the presidents copter and destroys it, killing the president.

Scene 17 - Clark finds himself alone in the phantom zone when he wakes up but soon realized someone has been dressing his wounds from the battle. That man introduces himself as Non, the teacher of his father jor-el. Non tells cal-el about krypton and it's last days. Him and jor-el learning about the end coming but the council ordered them to be quite. When Zod learned the truth he lead a rebellion. Non aligned himself with Zod, believing he was right in doing what was best to save krypton. When they was all captured, jor-el pleaded they be sparred instead of executed. Instead they was placed in the phantom zone. Zod swore revenge on jor-el for not helping them and damning them to a living hell. Non explains he developed a way to escape the phantom zone long ago but kept it to himself as punishment for his actions. When the doorway was opened, Zod and Ursa banished him to remain there for safe keeping. Cal-el asks if he can help him escape, he answers yes.

Scene 18 - Luthor is home working on a weapon he says can kill Zod. Lois goes to her father, she explains that cal-el as she calls him, is on there side. Her father says his orders are to kill all the aliens by any means necessary. In the phantom zone non opens a door way to Clark's house. He escapes the phantom zone but non shuts the door behind him, refuses to follow.

Scene 19 - Zod announces to the world after using the space ship's technology to hijack a satellite that he will arrive in metropolis the next day and all world leaders who do not show and swear to follow him will suffer his wrath. When the broad cast is over he explains to Ursa he will kill all the leaders of this planet while she remains back and prepares to release every criminal from the phantom zone.

Scene 20 - Clark goes to luthor and tells him he needs help stopping Zod. Meanwhile general lane will not let Lois return to metropolis and forces her to go with him and the rest of the the government officials. The new president walks up to her, smiling and introducing himself wanting to know all she knows about the aliens. He asks her to accompany him on Air Force one to fill him in. As the president turns, his eyes glow red.

Scene 21 - Clark and luthor go to the base, luthor is needing kryptonite for his weapon. Clark makes him promise again it will not kill, only weaken so they can be placed in the phantom zone. Luthor assures him as they enter the building. As luthor starts to remove the kryptonite, Ursa attacks Clark and they start to fight. Luthor opens the phantom zone doorway and Clark manages to knock Ursa back into it.

Scene 22 - Zod stands in front of the leaders of the world, he notices the new president isn't there. Zod flys off before killing anyone and goes after air force one. Lois calls luthor, telling him the new is reporting Zod left the summit. Luthor questions where he could be going, Lois says the president wasn't there.

Scene 23 - Clark doubts being able to defeat Zod after the last time but luthor assures him he must. Luthor looks at the ship, noticing the missing piece in the ship seems to be the metal piece Eve brought him. Luthor hands it to Clark and asks him to place the piece against the ship. The piece seems to weld itself back into place. Luthor questions Clark about ever checking the ships data banks before. Clark tells him no and luthor explains while studying there technology he learned there should be a data key that will allow him too. Clark pulls out the symbol of hope shape pencil. Luthor questions what it means and Clark calls it an s. Luthor teasingly calls him superman.

Scene 24 - Clark inserts the key and jor-el appears. He tells him about krypton, his mother and him. He apologies for not being there and the only thing he was able to leave him was his suit of honor. Clark is given the superman suit and questions the s on the symbol. Jor-el explains it means hope on krypton. Clark asks him about Zod, jor-el worries hearing be is free and that Clark must do everything in his power to protect earth. Clark doubts himself, telling him that Zod has defeated him once. Jor-el explains without hope, there is no future. He sent Clark here with hope he'd get to live a full life, now he hopes Clark will stand up and fight for all that he loves.

Scene 25 - superman appears for the first time. Luthor laughs and mocks the look. As Clark starts to leave, they watch as air force one comes flying into sight. Superman uses his vision to see Zod is carrying it. Zod throws the plane toward the downtown part of metropolis while screaming he will make an example of America. Superman flys up and catches the plane, bringing it to a safe landing. Luthor prepares the weapon as superman and Zod fight. Zod and superman fight through the ceiling of the Wayne enterprises building. Zod tells superman he will trap him in the phantom zone once again and make him watch as he kills everyone on the planet earth with his bare hands. Luthor shoots Zod with the kryptonite weapon. Superman turns and blows the gun up with his vision before he rushes to Zod. Zod tells him he only wanted to save krypton, and that cal-el is now the last son of krypton! Superman turns to Luthor and they argue over not killing Zod and doing what was best to protect earth. Superman swears Luthor will never use kryptonian technology to advance himself and flys off with the ship to the Arctic.

Scene 26 - Clark goes to Lana who breaks up with him, explaining he can't live with him after all this. Luthor is shown hiding zod's body. Lois covers the attack on metropolis, the president calls him a hero while Lois pins him superman after reading a text from Clark. Luthor is shown founding lex corp. Lois goes to Clark, he is depressed over Lana and she convinces him to come to metropolis and be a reporter. When he questions why, she kisses him and thanks him for saving her. The president is shown in the Oval Office speaking to someone he calls Circe, telling her it's time to release there lord. She answers yes it is deception. Superman is seen standing in metropolis on top of a building when Batman's foot is seen landing behind him.

The end